Basic traits / powers:
Immortality / Eternal Youth:
This is pretty much a given. A person stops aging when they become a vampire. Of course, you don't have eternal youth if you're
turned into a vampire when you are old.
Age: The older a vampire gets, the more powerful they become. All vampires
have the same basic abilities from their start, the old ones just get better at it. The median age for vampires in the world
is between two and four hundred. New vampires are created steadily, but few vampires manage to make it to a very ancient age
because of their increased age and potent blood.
Infectious Bite: A vampire drinks blood in order to survive.
If a person is completely drained of their blood and die, they become a vampire. If a person is bitten by a vampire and dies
within 24-48 hours, they become a vampire. A person will not become a vampire if they survive a vampire attack. Neither is
an exchange of blood needed for a person to become a vampire. A wizard and a muggle are no different physiologically. Both
will change into a vampire if bitten and killed.
Unable to use magic: A vampire cannot use a wand. A vampire
can neither create port keys nor use floo powder. If a wizard becomes a vampire, they can no longer use magic. Even broomsticks don't work for vampires. In rare cases, a vampire who is an animagus or
a metamorphmagus will retain their abilities if they become a vampire. Rumor
has it some truly old and powerful vampires that were once wizards have been able to use wands, but this is so rare and mysterious
that most vampires write it off as mere legend.
If a vampire is forced to use
floo powder or a port key, they have an 80% chance of death. If a wizard decides to take a vampire on a broomstick, they will
fall out of the sky. If a vampire was a muggle to start with, they will never be able to use normal wizard’s magic.
Wand using vampires are incredibly rare, and should only be considered under the strictest circumstances. Only one or two
such characters should ever be in the room at a time.
Weaknesses: A vampire can be killed by prolonged exposure
to sunlight or fire, decapitation, or consumption of large quantities of garlic. The sun, a large fire, and fresh garlic also
repels them. Religious artifacts, servants of religion (priests, monks, etc), and righteous faith in a higher power seem to
have no effect on vampires. The undead can walk freely in a church. If a vampire is staked, they will immediately go into
a deathlike trance. They will not die, though. Removing the stake will bring them out of this state. If a vampire is kept
away from blood, they will grow weaker and weaker, and go into a trance. Again, they will not die. Pouring blood into their
mouths will bring them back. The more blood they drink, the stronger they will come back.
A vampire cannot be killed by anything
else. Unforgivable curses work (see below under ‘powers’), except for Avada Kedavra. The vampire is already dead.
Normal damage cannot kill a vampire--gun shots, stab wounds, etc. A vampire will heal up relative to their age. The worse
the damage, the longer it will take. An elder vampire can regenerate lost limbs in seconds, while a newly created vampire
might have to spend the night healing up multiple gunshot wounds.
Strength and speed: Vampires, relative to
their age and strength at the time of death, are stronger and faster than normal people. If a normal, in-shape man was changed
into a vampire, a month later he would be as strong and as fast as the strongest and fastest moral person alive. After a year,
he will be twice as strong and fast as a normal person. After 10 years, a vampire will be dramatically past normal standards.
Elder vampires would be able to throw trucks with their pinkies and move like jets.
Flight: Vampires simply
fly up into the air, moving like Superman. It’s a trait every member of the species shares. Relative to their age, a
vampire can fly at a certain speed. A month old vampire will be able to float at five mph, more or less. A year old vampire
would move at about 50 mph. A 10 year old vampire will move at 100 mph. A elder vampire would be faster than a jet. With their
strength, a vampire can carry one or two people while flying, but this can be very dangerous at faster speeds
/ Telekinesis: Vampires have what wizards would consider mind-reading abilities. One of the first powers a vampire obtains
is the ability to send his thoughts, and read the OPEN thoughts of others, thus allowing non-verbal communication. Of course,
a wizard in the know can stop this. The older a vampire gets, the more powerful their mental skills become. Even a young vampire
can read minds and look into memories. If a wizard is able to block this, then the winner is whoever is older and / or more
powerful. A vampire with decent / good mental powers can ignore the Imperius Curse. Obviously, Lord Voldemort can probably
get a lot vampires to do his bidding, but it's all dependent on who has more skill. Mature vampires can also control others
with their minds, but this usually requires eye contact. The commands can be anything from making someone forget that they've
been fed upon (a much needed trait for impulsive younger vampires) to having unwilling servants. Elder vampires usually acquire
telekinesis. Again, this is relative to age and power level. A first the vampire would only be able to move keys and coffee
cups, but ancients can threw trucks with a single thought.
"Growing up": Just like wizards, each vampire has
her own specialty. Skill also sometimes follows function. A vampire that needs to possess servants and persuade mortals will
probably get better with his mental powers than a hunter or warrior. Most vampires focus on either their mental, physical,
or flight abilities.
Relationship to wizards: Like all magical non-humans, vampires organized and signed a treaty
with wizards as the world settled. The relationship between England’s Ministry of Magic and the vampire nation is strained,
but survives. No doubt like giants and werewolves, many vampires have signed over onto Voldemort's side because of the Ministry's
stance on seeing them as "half-humans." Vampires are no doubt very similar to werewolves in wizard society--shunned, but not
destroyed on site. Wizards are useful to vampires because of their ability to create restorative droughts and blood products.
Vampires tend to return this favor with things like body guarding, use of powers, etc.
Relationship to muggles:
Like wizards, vampires stay out of the public eye. If normal folks can't handle wizards, just consider vampires. Many younger
vampires make the foolish decision to feed off of these people, but use their powers to hide the act. A vampire, with her
vast abilities and ageless stature, could be a god within normal, mortal society. The vampire nation frowns upon these acts,
but also tends to look the other way. What might be seen as dangerous activity to wizards is seen as youthful learning to
older vampires.
Vampire history: No one knows how these magical being came into existence. Whether their immortality
is a curse or a gift is open for debate. Living forever can have its benefits, right? Vampires whisper of a proto race that
might have sired both vampires and other magical creatures. According to scholars, this pre-vampiric race first appeared with
the Roman invasion of Western Europe. If such stories are correct, these creature entered Europe just as the first reports
of real vampires were being documented. Whether or not the proto race theory is valid, The vampire population boomed in ancient
Eurasia until the Dark Ages. It was then that the Inquisition and Wizard hunters drove the magical creatures into Eastern
Europe, particularly Albania, Romania, and other mountainous regions. Vlad The Impaler (known as Count Dracula nowadays) is
an important figure in vampire culture. Dracul seemed to do the impossible by uniting the five warring vampiric family lines
(see below) into a peaceful truce.
Dracul was the undisputed ruler
of this era for nearly a hundred years, until he was destroyed by a hunter of the Inquisition in the early 18th century. Dracul’s
death was a severe blow to the whole race, but also spurned more open communication between vampires and wizards. At this
point in history, vampires are semi- reclusive creatures located mainly in Albania and surrounding countries. They live in
their own communities under a loose confederation called the Brotherhood. Wizards in Eastern Europe obviously have the best
and strongest relationships with these creatures.
Vampire society: Vampires are creatures of power and status.
In their own society, vampire hierarchy is everything. Even among wizards, it becomes clear that vampires have a very strict
power system. Typically a vampire will not travel alone when in wizard society, or not for very long. There are loners, but
they are not common. They tend to travel in groups of three to five, connected by a common purpose or connection. The most
powerful / eldest of these groups is known as the Vlad. If many of these groups enter into the same space (such as a vampire
community), the eldest of the Vlads is known as a Grand Vlad. The most powerful or respected vampire, usually the leader of
the entire breed, is known as the Great Vlad. This system was created by Vlad Tempest after he obtained the highest rank among
his kind. Ironic considering he was rather young when he took the throne.
Some vampires (mostly American
ones) ignore this power structure, but when in other's territory, rebel vampires (and smart-mouth wizards) should heed the
old rules.
The vampire look: Vampires, no matter what they look like or how they dress, have an air of confidence
and other-worldliness. Depending on the aggressiveness of the individual, some may seem creepy or predatory. Many vampires
are pale (being that many of them are from Europe), Most are rather thin because of the very nature of their sustenance. Once
changed, it will not take long for an individual to lose girth. Blood isn’t fattening. There are vampires from every
culture and ethnicity in the world. Every country or large group of vampires has a different fashion, but most of them prefer
high fashion, the color black, and capes or cloaks. Vampire hierarchy demands that the length of a cape (at least for Vlads)
be proportionate to the rank. Again, American vampires don't always follow these rules, but nearly all vampires dress in expensive,
nice fabrics. Trying to look like normal people is about as easy for a vampire as it is for a wizard.
and family lines: Every vampire alive today, it’s believed, comes from one of the five original vampire families.
More than likely, there are a small minority of individuals that do not belong to these five lines. Of course, new vampires
to not genetically belong to one of these families, but they are recognized as a member of that family tree after they become
a vampire. Many vampires even decide to take on the family’s last name when they become are sired. According to tradition,
the newly created vampire is called a Son or Daughter. His creator become his Mother or Father. His Father’s creator
his called his Grand Father. Vlad and Grand Vlad are also acceptable terms. Many vampires forgo this tradition, but formality
is often used in front of elders.
Five Families: Other than the notes
exceptions, all vampires come from these five lines. They are listed below:
Jehona - This is the oldest vampiric, appearing around 1020 AD.
The Jehonas were the first family to fill their ranks with the undead. Shqipe Jehona, the family’s Saxon patriarch,
was a warlord who envisioned vampires strengthening war party. Whether is was a brilliant military feat or the work of a power-hungry
madman is open for debate. Just not around the Jehonas. They are quite proud of their position and status in the world. Their
symbol is the Eagle because of its strength and grace. Jehonas greatest weakness is their increased weakness to the sun. Everyone
in this line shows a greater repulsion and lower threshold to the sun’s rays.
Jehona also have the strongest
network of friends and family. A Jehona vampire will also find friends in a lot of high places.
Besnik -
The second oldest family, the Besnik try not to boast of their lineage. In fact, the entire family has swore an oath of humbleness
and peace. Created in 1113 AD, the entire line was fathered by Luljeta "The Beast" Besnik, the most notorious warlord in East
Europe (at least until Dracul). A noblewomen surrounded by vicious men, Besnik had to endure and inflict unspeakable acts
to keep her women free. What Luljeta didn’t count on was living beyond the age of 25. Fearing death in her eldest years,
Besnik was turned by one of the ancients. The Beast began to use her powers to protect her small tribe, but even her powers
couldn’t stop the destruction of the European tribes. Unable to cope outliving her people, Besnik began turning her
closest relatives and friends. But Luljeta soon took another change. The warlord converted to Christianity, and swore to put
down her sword. In the same spirit, the entire line tends to act as spiritual advisors. While not every Besnik becomes a priest
(though a great many do), there are no warriors in this family tree. Ironically, Luljeta was one of the first victims to the
Inquisition. The family’s chest displayed a dove, the symbol of peace and positivity. Their greatest weakness is their
inability to attack others. Such blatant violence would be worse than death.
But the family tree also tends
to be very trusted among wizards and even muggles. They seem to give off a supernatural sense of peace and calm.
Fatmir - It isn’t easy being the middle child,
but the Fatmir line seems to take it in stride. Created in 1250 AD, a muggle named Conscious Fatmir sired the whole race.
Bitten by a mysterious gypsy, Fatmir was never really given a clear shake on the conditions of his vampiric nature. Instead
of becoming a warlord or local power, Conscious used his new powers to acquire mass wealth from the over-whelming urban populations
in Europe the time. In fact the entire Fatmir line were nothing more than supernatural gypsies in their early creation. In
recent history the line has calmed a little, investing in the arts instead of robbing marks randomly. However, the family
tree still produces a lot of wild cards. The Fatmirs are known to tour the more free Americas in their youth. Their symbol
is the Raven, because of its intelligence and trickery. Fatmirs are not trusted by anyone, even their own family. Any Fatmir
trying to persuade someone with facts would have an easier time suntanning. Fatmirs also tend to adjust very well to modern
life, often living far longer tha most other vampires, who tend to give in to the pressures of eternity.
- Vlad Tempest Dracul might be the most famous vampire in history, but his story is misunderstood but all but the
most educated scholars. Dracul was a Hungarian warlord who "lived" under 1476. Of course, this was the year of his mortal
death, but the birth of his bright, short un-life. Raised in Eastern European Christianity nobility, Dracul participated in
a Crusade that started out for Mother Church, but soon turned personal as more of his family died. His last reign was in the
year 1476, where he is reported to have personally killed over 100 Muslim warriors. This is the era where the master warrior
piked a number of Islamic soldiers.
Of course this was an act of barbarism,
but no one seems to understand that this was the last desperate act of a sole survivor. Thankfully, an elder vampire found
Dracul at the peak of his military stamina. Before he could be murdered in an act of Islamic revenge, the vampire convinced
Dracul–alone, cut off, and destitute–to die, and raise as a vampire. Of course, that elder probably would have
never guessed the scope of Dracul’s vision. Within a decade of his change, Vlad had removed his own humanistic vengence
for the mortal regions of the world. Dracul turned his attentions instead to study his own vampiric mind and body–and
pushing the boundries. In his years of study, somehow he had been able to become immune to the effects silver. The material
had previously proven fatal when used in weapons against vampires. Dracul had no such allergy by the end of his studies.
Of course, while Dracul was studying
his own nature, his mentor and sire was destroyed by a rbeel Jehona line. Again, instead of going to war, Vlad had decided
that enough was enough. The vampire spent the rest of his 140 years on earth uniting the vampiric families under one banner
of truth and mutual self-interest. The beginning government of the vampire nation was carved by hard-won battles Dracul fought
by talking, debating, and compromising with various elders. Wizards and humans, Vlad figured, wouldn’t bother to fight
against a nation of vampires. Only warring family lines would be weak enough to attack by outsiders. Thus Dracul was able
to form the Brotherhood, a massive community of vampire settlements in Romania, Albania, and neighboring countries. Dracul
was given his own family title from the vampire community. After his eventual destruction at the hands of a righteous wizard
hunter, any important vampire elder was thereafter called a "Vlad." It is now a term of deepest respect.
While he was only 200+ years at
the time of his death, Tempest Dracul remains one of the most important vampires in history. His family crest is the Dragon,
symbol of power and ruthlessness. All Dracul are immune to the effects of silver. Dracul’s also suffer greatly from
the weight of their family history. They start out their lives with a lot of enemies, and a great deal of pressure.
Perparim - Agim
Perparim was a muggle trader in the late 16trh century. He traveled under orders from one of the great imperial nations, writing
down his discoveries for the royalty to read months later. While quite capable and daring, it is hard to believe this single
man is capable of creating his own line of vampires. However, Perparim was never expected to become shipwrecked, the only
survivor of a ship that’s crew included most of his family. The chief explorer washed ashore on an island off the coast
of Scotland. The island was desolate of all human life, but had become the haven of a vampire flying too near the raise of
dawn. As the night approached, the vampire approached Perparim. Exposure and stress were taking their toll on the short, slight
man, who the vampire feared might not survive a trip back to the mainland. The vampire decided to turn Agim. Without a strong
connection to the vampire nation, Perparim decided to use his new abilities to study and explore farther than any human ever
could. Constant travel was dangerous even for a vampire, but Agim used his free time working on sails and knots for his ship.
His inventions expanded beyond mere sailing. Even at the end of his long life in the 1920's, the master inventor was discussing
the best ways to destroy himself.
Since his destruction, Perparim’s
family has had a bit of a rough ride. The youngest family, the baby of the vampire nation doesn’t seem to quite fit
in. All Perparim’s members are highly intelligent–whether it’s invention, academics, or supernatural knowledge.
All of the family are also cursed with a wanderlust that torments them throughout their undead lives. Perparims will pack
up and move at a moment’s notice, and don’t tend to stay anywhere longer than a year or two. The family crest
is the Stork, because of it’s stamina and determination.
Special Vampires:
1. Ashleigh Havelock - Can use
a wand. It is thought that she is from a now extinct branch of the Jehona family. The extent of her regained magical ability
is still unknown. However it does tax her greatly to use magic... and the more she uses it the less vampiric abilities she
can use.
2. Open