- BE IN THE ROOM!!! You don't have to be in the room every day but at least every other day.
And if you need to take a leave of absence for real life, please use the forums to let each other know so arrangements can
be made. If the staff can't be in the room why should the players?
- Do NOT Play Favorites - This means that just because you are friends with someone does not mean that
they get preferrential treatment. And while we are on the topic, Staff doesn't get preferrential treatment either. Example:
If you can't play your canon once per week you lose it just like anyone else. Why? Because Staff should act as the standard
to which all others are held. If the Staff can't follow the Rules why should the players?
- Play With Everyone - At least once. Welcome new players to the room, set examples and set
the RP stage by being as much a part of the room as the players are.
- No Whining - Hey if we don't want the other people in the room to do it, we shouldn't either.
- No God Moding - Just because we're staff doesn't mean we can do whatever we want. We all follow
the same rules as the players. No Exceptions.
- No Public Humiliations - This means that any issues with players or other staff will be kept OUT of the
public forum. You will take issues, gripes, complaints, etc to Private Messages or Instant Messaging programs just like
everyone else.
More Rules May Be Added Here As Needed. But when in doubt, remember - Be decent to each other... Follow the
Rules and Have fun... After all if it isn't fun for us will it be fun for anyone else?